The Divisional Forest Officer
Sub: Request for Registration of Plantation raised on my/our non-forest land.
I/We would request you to kindly register the plantation of trees raised on my/our
Pattaland. The details of the land and plantation along with the required documents are furnished
1. Name of the Pattadar: | Sri {{ $plantation->name_of_pattadar }} |
Vill {{ $plantation->plantationAddressDetail->village }} P.O {{ $plantation->plantationAddressDetail->post_office }} | |
P.S {{ $plantation->plantationAddressDetail->police_station }} Dist |
2. Father's Name and address: | Sri/Late {{ $plantation->father_name }} |
Vill {{ $plantation->father_village }} P.O {{ $plantation->father_post_office }} | |
P.S {{ $plantation->father_police_station }} Dist {{ $plantation->father_district_id }} |
3. Mobile number: {{ $plantation->mobile_no }} and Email-Id: {{ $plantation->email_id }}
4. details of the pattaland over which the plantation has been raised:
Dag No {{ $plantation->p_dag_no }} Patta No {{ $plantation->patta_no }} | |
Mouza {{ $plantation->p_mouza }} | |
Revenue Circle {{ $plantation->revenue_circle ? $plantation->revenue_circle->name : null }} | |
Area of the Plot (in Bigha or Hect) {{ $plantation->plantationAreaDetail->area_of_plot }} | |
Year of issue of Patta {{ $plantation->plantationAreaDetail->year_of_patta_issue }} | |
Nature of Patta (Annual/Periodic/Special grant) {{ $plantation->plantationAreaDetail->nature_of_patta }} |
4. details of the plantation:
@foreach($plantation->plantationSpecies as $key => $value){{ $key+1 }} .) {{ $value->species->name }} ({{ $value->species->scientific_name }})
(a) Years of Creation: {{ $value->years_of_creation }}
(b) Area: {{ $value->area }}
(c) Species wise no. of trees planted: {{ $value->no_of_trees }}
(d) Spacing:{{ $value->spacing }}
(e) Average height: {{ $value->average_height }}
(f) Average girth: {{ $value->average_girth }}
(g) Boundary description of the plantation area: {{ $value->boundary_description }}
@endforeach5. List of documents to be submitted:
@if(in_array("self_attested_land", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Self-attested Land document/MiyadiPatta/Lease deed of land.
@endif @if(in_array("a_self_attested_land", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).A self-attested scale map of the non-forest land where the plantation has been raised.
@endif @if(in_array("up_to_land_revenue", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Up to date land revenue payment receipt.
@endif @if(in_array("registration_details", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Registration and/or Ownership details of the Tea Gardens.
@endif @if(in_array("receipt_of_application", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Receipt of the application fee of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) per hectare paid online in the Website/Portal.
@endif @if(in_array("species_wise_number", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Species-wise number and age of standing trees.
@endif @if(in_array("self_declaration_about_year", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Self-declaration about the year(s) of creation of plantation.
@endif @if(in_array("geo_tagged_photograph", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Geo-tagged photographs of the site.
@endif @if(in_array("proof_of_distance", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Proof of distance of the plantation from nearest forest such as google map/KML/KMZ/SHP etc.
@endif @if(in_array("signature_of_pattadar", $documents)){{ $i++ }}).Signature Of Pattadar.
@endifSignature of the Pattadar(s)
(with date)